Online vs. Offline Personalities

Have you ever met someone on a social network, who seemed really awesome, fun, interactive and heavily extroverted, then to discover the complete opposite when you meet them in an offline (real-life) setting? It has definitely happened to me and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

I think one explanation behind this seemingly complex phenomenon lies with one’s comfort in an online setting. It’s quite easy to just be 100% confident because he/she is not actually standing in front of someone, and has time to think to respond. He/she may not necessarily have distinct offline and online personalities, rather just an appearance of that because of issues related to self-confidence and self-esteem.

Another possible explanation could be that one is projecting the personality type he/she would like to have. It is so much easier to enact that personality online because this person is hidden; body language can’t be read, facial expression can’t be seen and intonation can’t be discriminated.

Regardless of the motivating factor/s behind these online vs offline personalities, it is something I find of particular interest. More and more we see just how much psychology is involved in technology and vice versa.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. omg!! I started this blog and i swear it spoke to me. Meaning that I am the opposite when I am online to in person. I feel a sense a security when I am on the other side of the monitor. I could behave in any way I please and don't give a care cause the other person will never know.
    Great blog!

  3. I believe it more of a confidence and self esteem thing, when it comes to online vs. offline personality. Some may feel like they can really be themselves online, compared to offline/face to face interactions, which can be challenging if you suffer from lack of confidence and low self esteem. Online will likely provide that comfort for those persons where offline will cause them to shut down..

  4. Yo this is right on point!! However for me, i tend to be more amusing and interactive online than in person. Based on the person you're speaking to face-to-face, the convo can get awkward with no means of escape. However, online, as you mentioned, you have time to think and re-route your approach to the discussion.


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