Online Dating: Things To Keep in Mind

In my previous post, I explored what online dating really is, and what motivates people to become involved in it. This post’s focus will be on some possible effects and/or outcomes of online dating, and some things to keep in mind when using online dating sites.

Firstly, as highlighted in my previous post, lying is quite easy to do online. People want what they want, and they would do whatever it takes to get it; and if they desperately want (or need) a relationship, no doubt about it, they will lie to get it. According to research done in the UK and the US of over 1,000 online daters, 53% reported that they had lied in their online profiles. Not that everyone’s profile is loaded with fibs, but it is wise to be cognizant of the fact that some people will deceive you on such sites (Anderson, 2016).

Another point to keep in mind is that although there are many persons who are genuinely seeking a relationship and companionship, some just use the site to find someone to satisfy them sexually. Yes, there are websites specifically for hooking up, but some people do utilize dating sites for this purpose; also keep this in mind (Anderson, 2016).

When building relationships from online dating sites, there is the risk that the relationship may not work out that well, although there is also the possibility that it just might! In Michigan State University’s research, researchers found that couples who become a couple as a result of meeting on an online dating site are 28% more likely to break up within the first year of the relationship, as opposed to those who meet face-to-face; furthermore, those who meet online are almost three times more likely to become divorced (Anderson, 2016).

I really hope that I have not instilled fear in anyone as it relates to online dating. Online dating is not necessarily bad, in fact, it can be great! There are many couples who started off their relationship online and have been going strong for years. However, it is important that we always be aware of the distasteful possibilities that can result from using online dating sites.

Anderson, R. (2016). The ugly truth about online dating: Are we sacrificing love for convenience? Psychology Today. Retrieved from


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