Sexting: Things to Keep in Mind

On October 10, 2012, 15-year old Amanda Todd, resident of British Columbia, Canada committed suicide. The story goes that Todd met a guy online who she was ‘flattered’ by, and so decided to flash her boobs for him over webcam; he took a picture. Subsequently, he asked her to put on a show for him, but she refused which led to the picture the guy took being sent to all Todd’s friends and classmates via Facebook. Todd was severely criticized and bullied for her actions and so turned to drugs to cope. She attempted suicide a couple times well, before finally succeeding (Dean, 2012).

The link below shows the video created by Todd before she took her life:

Things to Keep in Mind
Although not everyone who sexts and is exposed ends up committing suicide, it is a possibility as with the unfortunate case of Amanda Todd. Even though it was the bullying that actually led her to commit suicide, the whole thing started after the photo was leaked. In order to prevent such from happening, here are a few things to keep in mind before sending a nude:

What Could Happen?
Once that file is sent, there is no going back; it is no longer in your control and the person/s who has/have it can do what they want with it.

Who Are You Sending To?
It is important to know the person you are sending it to well enough. It should be someone you trust, so that you do not have to worry about the negative repercussions that could result, if the sext goes viral.

What Happens If There is a Leak?
What might possibly happen if your sext is shared with persons other than your intended recipient/s? How would you react? What would be the reaction of your parents, family members, friends, and others who know you well? (childline, n.d.).

Remember, before sending nudes electronically, be aware of the possible repercussions of sending them, and who you are sending to, because if something unintended happens, the effects can be devastating.

Dean, M. (2012). The story of Amanda Todd. The New Yorker. Retrieved from


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